Transport Tales Volume 7 - Steam Trains and Routemasters #transporttales

Transport Tales Volume 7 - Steam Trains and Routemasters #transporttales

This week we bring you a tale from Miles in Kent, England. Showing his appreciation for the iconic Routemaster: 

I was interested in anything mechanical from an early age. Being a child in the 60s I can still remember steam trains in active service. Although I found them scary, I was fascinated. I can also remember my first trip to London and seeing a Routemaster bus zipping by making a noise that became as iconic as a Spitfires Merlin engine. When I returned home I tried to find a book about them (there was no internet then). Unfortunately, this was very difficult to find for some time. Many years later I was able to purchase a large diecast Routemaster bus model.  This still sits on our sideboard in our living room today. At the time of purchase, I still had not been able to travel on one. Sometime later my wife informed me the bus museum was having an open day and perhaps we should visit. Perhaps! This was a must-do! Once we arrived at the venue I was keen to find out how to get on board for the road trips that would be running after lunch. I had already spotted the Routemaster in splendid London transport red with Hovis advertising boldly printed on the top deck that I was hoping to be able to go out in. After some waiting at last we were aboard. This was now late afternoon and the weather had started to change; rain was coming and the sky darkened. This just added to the atmosphere inside the bus. The interior lights within were now clearly visible, s from the vaulted ceiling. We were sitting in the last rearward seating and now it began to rain and darken further. The back of the bus being open to the elements was amusing as we travelled along. At this point, both I and my wife expressed how it made you feel secure and snuggly inside being able to look directly out of the rear of the bus. The trip only lasted about 15 minutes but this memory has lasted to this day. What a wonderful machine with a unique atmosphere!!

It's always great to hear how transport evokes memories and sticks so fondly in the mind, that's why hearing and sharing your transport tales is something we're fond of! 

Do you have a tale? Then send us an email to or fill in the form on the previous page. Oh - and by doing so you'll automatically be entered into a monthly giveaway. 


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